In Clarksville, Tennessee, an incredible story of resilience showed up following a destructive tornado that swept through the region. Tragically, the tornado wreaked havoc on the Hol Park Mobile Home Community, resulting in the loss of three lives. Amidst the chaos, a four-month-old baby named Lord had a remarkable story of survival to share.
As soon as the tornado was over, Moore’s first thought was where her baby was among the wreckage. It’s truly astonishing what happened next — they discovered Lord perched in a tree, with a deep cut on his face. Incredibly, despite the injury, Lord managed to survive, a fact that Moore views as nothing less than a miracle. The family had to navigate through the destroyed landscape to get medical attention. Lord had a head injury and an ear injury, and the man broke his shoulder. A damaged bassinet near their home serves as a constant reminder of the family’s harrowing struggle and their resilience.