Dog with malformed face dumped by family: Then angel arrives and makes everything right

There was little reason for Lucky to be happy. He had been mistreated by every family and owner he had been with; none of them cared to give him the affection he deserved.

Lucky, who was raised in a puppy factory, never had a foster parent. Ultimately, he was given away at no cost.

The cause? Lucky didn’t resemble other canines and had a deformed face.

Throughout his life, Lucky was constantly moved around, never having the opportunity to settle down or establish his own identity. No one wanted to keep him for very long, so he was frequently given away for free to the next owner.

Lucky has had many owners throughout the years, but none of them have truly taken the time to properly care for him. He most recently resided in Austin, Texas, where he was abandoned and mistreated but otherwise left on his own.

Lucky was forced to spend the day outside since the family’s cats didn’t appreciate having him around.

He had no food or a safe place to sleep when he was abandoned in the yard, tethered to a tree. It was impossible for her to receive the affection and attention a dog would typically receive in a home, let alone be fussed over.

Without hesitation, the decision was taken to get rid of Lucky when the family chose to move.

They got in touch with a local dog shelter. While the shelter’s volunteers looked for a new home for him, Lucky was left with his “family” until they moved.

After much searching, the animal shelter was able to find a new family who agreed to foster Lucky. Unfortunately, they changed their minds quickly; after taking one glance at Lucky’s expression, they decided against moving forward.

Fortunately, things changed due to a social media post.

Lucky was groomed by a volunteer at the shelter, who then shared a few pictures of him on social media.

Jamie Hult ultimately noticed a post and immediately requested to see the dog.

“It just so happened to be someone I know from dog rescue, so I called him straight away and said, ‘I want that dog.’” Jamie told iHeartdogs, “I want to take that dog, I don’t even want to foster it.”

Preserving Fortune

Sadly, Lucky wasn’t in very good shape. He endured years of abuse and neglect, and one of his many ailments was malnourishment.

He has never had microchipping and was covered in worms and fleas.

But Jamie made the decision to take him home. She would accomplish it at all costs, even though it wouldn’t be simple.

Jamie helped Lucky find a forever home. At last, he received the affection and attention he had so desperately desired.

Despite a very difficult journey, Lucky has fully recovered and is now content with his life as a healthy dog.

He was on the verge of death. For a week, he was inside the oxygen tank. He was so infested that I ultimately had to pay around $8000 for treatment in order to have an MRI and determine what was going on. Jamie describes him as being just skin and bones.

Near death

Jamie was adamant about saving Lucky, and she was willing to go to any lengths to ensure his recovery.

We came close to losing him once, and it was a close call. “I don’t care—just do whatever you need to for this particular dog, and I will pay whatever it is,” I told my veterinarian. Don’t be shy. And he succeeded. He is in good health. He is unhindered and at liberty.

Jamie’s enormous heart and the assistance of veterinarians allowed Lucky to turn things around. He’s performing amazingly now!

Since he adopted Lucky, Jamie has endured a number of mocking remarks about his appearance. She loves Lucky for who he is, though, so she doesn’t care.

“I really wanted him to be associated with people when I first got him, but people kept asking about his face and they would laugh at him,” Jamie explains. “Don’t worry, go ahead and laugh,” I said. I began to make him ties. Just to balance out his features and perhaps draw attention to the parts of him that are nicer and less frightening thanks to the tie.

Jamie even made the decision to rename Lucky. Two reasons why she gave him the new name Beaux Tox.

It’s alright that he appears to need botox, which is why I gave him the nickname Beaux Tox. We value beauty in all its manifestations. And the reason I don’t have botox is because the dog expenses were really expensive!

Providing for other animals

By all accounts, Lucky is a kind and carefree dog. Along with helping to raise the kittens Jamie adopted, he also provides excellent care for his younger sister.

“I’m happy I got Beaux, and we still foster and rescue,” Jamie said in closing. He has fostered kittens. Beaux Tox can handle any situation. He gets along well with cats and baby skunks. He’ll spend an hour observing the tarantula. Everything intrigues him greatly, and everything is thrilling to him.

What a sweet adoption tale—and a good illustration of the adage “you should never judge a book by its cover.” Not every animal is less worthy of a chance at life just because it has a unique appearance.

To honor Lucky’s battle, please forward this to your friends and family!

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